Supporting Women in the Business World

Supporting Women in the Business World

We provide women with education, information and networking opportunities through a program of events conducted across the Shoalhaven area at local restaurants and wineries, enjoyed over lunch.

Friday 18 March 2011

Women in Business Lunch - life work balance - October 2009

 This was our Second Luncheon and we took it to the 
Winery - Silos Winery Restaurant at Jaspers Brush on
 Wednesday 14th October 2009.


Networking at Silos
We enjoyed some wine samples before moving into the restaurant to hear our guest speaker.......which was to be Shelley Hancock (State Member of Parliament), 
but unfortunately Shelley had come down with a severe case of the flu and a fill in had to be found....the day of the lunch!!!!!
Judith Owen's Introduction

Dianne Blackstock thanking Guest Speaker

Nicole Robinson introducing our Guest Speaker

Meshelle Knapp - Guest Speaker

Meshelle Knapp to the rescue.
Meshelle is the CEO of Total Management Options Australia TMOA, 
a Corporate Advisory Service.
Meshelle is a qualified corporate psychologist with a Master Degree in Business Administration. 

A very interesting speaker, talking about work life balance.corporate counseling.
She is a qualified corporate psychologist and has specialized in the field of company structure and restructure, organisational psychology, change management, underpinned by L&D initiatives.

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