Supporting Women in the Business World

Supporting Women in the Business World

We provide women with education, information and networking opportunities through a program of events conducted across the Shoalhaven area at local restaurants and wineries, enjoyed over lunch.

Friday 18 March 2011

One Year Anniversary Women in Business Lunch - June 2010


The 1st Birthday Cake

Dianne Blackstock & Judith Owen - St George

We enjoyed our First Birthday Celebration at 
the butterfactory restaurant at Pyree on
 Wednesday 16th June 2010.

Welcome by Judith Owen

Our Guest Speaker was Leonie Sinclair,
 Partner of Marriott Oliver Solicitors,
 whose topic was "28 1/2 years in business...but who's counting ?"

 Leonie spoke of the role of women professionals in Nowra and how they have changed dramatically over the past few decades.

 When Leonie first started in practise in 1981, there were just two women lawyers. 
Leonie's talk was inspiring to us all.
Guest Speaker - Leonie Sinclair - Marriott Oliver

Ladies enjoying lunch

Judith Owen & Leonie Sinclair
Nicole Robinson, Dianne Blackstock, Julie Granada & Rosemary Aldred - St George Staff

The Butterfactory Staff 
We celebrated our 1st Birthday with a delicious cake from Michel's Patisserie.

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