Supporting Women in the Business World

Supporting Women in the Business World

We provide women with education, information and networking opportunities through a program of events conducted across the Shoalhaven area at local restaurants and wineries, enjoyed over lunch.

Saturday 2 May 2015

 Late News Post...........
from our last Charity Luncheon on 15th October 2014, we raised $733
 to donate to the Shoalhaven Education Fund.

Thank-you to everyone who attended.

Judith Owen & Dianne Blackstock, presenting
 the cheque to Sophie Ray

Thank You

Some late photos from our last Women in Business
Charity Luncheon - The Butterfactory - 15th October 2014.
Guest Speaker - Sophie Ray
Shoalhaven Education Fund

Judith Owen, Di Blackstock & Julie Granado
St George Bank

Keren Rice, Sophie Ray & Fay Lamont

The Table of Auction Prizes

Lynnette Kearney & Rachael Thornett with Sophie Ray

The Ladies from BooBook on Owen - Noela & Jill.

Enjoying the luncheon

Vinny Cannon, Elizabeth Gillen, Fay Lamont & Ria Emery

Marriott Oliver - Carolyn & Michala

Marriot Oliver - Kylie Falconer.

Save the Date.......our next Women in Business Luncheon is coming up.

St. George Bank
Women in Business Luncheon

Guest Speaker
 Di L’Estrange
Partner – Kennedy Cooke Lawyers

From Mollymook to Gallipoli
Rowing into 100 Year History

Wednesday 27th May 2015

                                                                         St isidore
89 Croobyar Road, Milton

11.30am for a 12 noon start

Finish 2.00pm.

Dianne LEstrange Solicitor Sussex Inlet and Ulladulla