Supporting Women in the Business World

Supporting Women in the Business World

We provide women with education, information and networking opportunities through a program of events conducted across the Shoalhaven area at local restaurants and wineries, enjoyed over lunch.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

October is EnGeneIC Month

St. George Regional Business Bank

Women in Business EnGeneIC Luncheon

Guest Speaker
Dr Jennifer MacDiarmid PhD
Joint Managing Director - EnGeneIC

Managing My Busy Life..…..
Wednesday 10th October, 2012
The Butterfactory Restaurant
739 Greenwell Point Road, Pyree

October is normally our PINK lunch which is about raising funds for a very worthy charity the Cancer Council, however this year we are changing our charity to EnGeneIC.

EnGeneIC’s mission is to change the perception of cancer from life threatening to curable. They aim to revolutionise the treatment of cancer through the targeted delivery of therapeutic-agents directly to cancer cells. The proprietary EnGeneIC Delivery Vehicle (EDV) can be used as a platform for the creation of tailor-made cancer therapies, dramatically minimising the side effects commonly associated with chemotherapy and improving outcomes for patients.

EnGeneIC is a totally owned Australian Company, looking for funding to continue its research, so please join us to help this company from being taken over by an overseas pharmaceutical company and keep it in Australia.

Dr MacDiarmid and Joint Managing Director Dr Himanshu Brahmbhatt have featured on Australian Story twice and have a remarkable story to tell.

Jennifer is the founder & Managing Director of EnGeneIC Ltd where together with Dr Himanshu Brahmbhatt, she has developed minicells, derived from bacteria, with special properties which allow them to be packed with both conventional anti-cancer drugs and a relatively new anti-cancer therapeutic called small interfering RNA (siRNA).

Both Jennifer and Himanshu have also set up the EnGeneIC Cancer Research Foundation. This foundation is committed to supporting Australian research in developing targeted cancer treatments, particularly funding patients into clinical trials and for rare tumours. The foundation also supports young Australian scientists through scholarships to complete a PhD program or post-doctoral studies.

Friday 15 June 2012

We turn 3 ! Lunch at Pelican Rocks, Greenwell Point

On Wednesday 13th June 36 Business women enjoyed a delicious lunch at Pelican Rocks Restaurant at Greenwell Point. They listened to an inspiring guest speaker Dr Kellie Marshall talk about Teamwork and helped us celebrate our Third Birthday.

Wow what a great day it was, three years old and still inspiring business women with exceptional guest speakers, thank you for helping us celebrate.

Judith Owen, Di Blackstock & Nicole Robinson - Sr George Bank

Guest Speaker Dr Kellie Marshall, with Judith Owen, Leonie Sinclair, Di Blackstock & Nicole Robinson

Dr Kellie Marshall, talking about Teamwork

Serena Copley & Louise Fretten

Cindy Johnston, Jacquie Kelly & Lynelle Johnson

Elizabeth Gillen, Sandra Bayer & Roz Harvey

Erin & Amanda Armstrong

The room is a buzz with excitement

Happy Birthday Women in Business

Saturday 5 May 2012

Next Women in Business Luncheon with is our 3rd Anniversary.......please book your diaries for Wednesday 13th June 2012.

Guest Speaker - Dr Kellie Marshall - Chief Executive Officer - Medicare Local - Illawarra & Shoalhaven.
Our Women in Business Lunch in February was enjoyed at Citrus at the Shores, Mollymook. We had a great turn out and an even better guest speaker - Allison Tait, blogger and writer.

The Table is Set

Judith Owen, Jacquie Kelly & Cindy

June Wall & Kylie de Bont

Maxwell Services - Serena Copley

Dianne Blackstock & Juanita Sharp

Bev Bloomfield, Fay Lamont & Judith Owen

Julie Granado & Louise Fretten

Lynnette Kearny & Bev Bloomfield

Jacquie Kelly & Jeni Harvie

Judith Owen & Bella Coastal Carmel Timmins

Lynnette Kearny & Carol Joyce

BJ Mechanical Service - Renee & Judith Byrne

Di L'Estrange, Carmel Timmins & Sarah Ward

Rosemary Aldred & Carolyn Hagedoorn

Judith Owen introduces our guest speaker

Chief and owner Jonny - Molllymook Shores

Guest speaker Allison Tait

Sunday 5 February 2012

Our next luncheon is Wednesday 8th February 2012..........

Guest Speaker - 

Allison Tait - Journalist/Blogger/Mother..........
"a working Mum and all the extras......"

Allison Tait

A working Mum and all the extras…..

Allison Tait is an experienced journalist who has been writing for books, magazines and newspapers for more than 20 years.

Her list of writing credits includes magazines such as marie-claire, Madison, Vogue Australia, CLEO, Cosmopolitan, Sunday Life and more, as well as newspapers such as the Sydney Morning Herald and Sunday Telegraph, and online sites such as NineMSN’s Money and Careers websites, and

She is the author of Credit Card Stressbusters: Slash Your Debt in 90 Days (Wrightbooks), and documents her life as a writer and mother of two on her blog

Allison's new book Career Mums (Penguin) is a practical guide for parents returning to work post-kids, and her first novel will be published by PanMacMillan in 2013.