Supporting Women in the Business World

Supporting Women in the Business World

We provide women with education, information and networking opportunities through a program of events conducted across the Shoalhaven area at local restaurants and wineries, enjoyed over lunch.

Sunday 25 October 2015

St George Regional Business Women in Business - Annual Charity Lunch

Wednesday 14th October 2015 saw 32 Business women join together to celebrate life and hear an inspiring talk from Karen Anstiss from Slice of Life Australia (SOLA).

Karen was also joined by our very first male guest - Matt who also gave a talk about his role in SOLA.

We raised an amazing $1,135.50 for this very worthwhile cause - SOLA.

But wait there is more we also contributed a car boot full of long life food products to the Nowra Homeless Hub....what a fabulous achievement.

Thankyou so much to all that attended.

Some photos from the day.

Thankyou so much for your generosity and are all so special.

Monday 8 June 2015

Lunch at St Isidore - Milton, Wednesday 27th May 2015

On Wednesday 27th May, 38 Business women attended the lovely surrounds of Milton and enjoyed the delicious food of St Isidore, to hear Di L'Estrange enthrall us with her story.

Di was a member of the Mollymook Surf Club who tackled the unpredictable waters off the Turkish coast as they took part in the two-day Gallipoli 100 Surfboat Challenge in April.

Thankyou Di for your presentation.

Saturday 2 May 2015

 Late News Post...........
from our last Charity Luncheon on 15th October 2014, we raised $733
 to donate to the Shoalhaven Education Fund.

Thank-you to everyone who attended.

Judith Owen & Dianne Blackstock, presenting
 the cheque to Sophie Ray

Thank You

Some late photos from our last Women in Business
Charity Luncheon - The Butterfactory - 15th October 2014.
Guest Speaker - Sophie Ray
Shoalhaven Education Fund

Judith Owen, Di Blackstock & Julie Granado
St George Bank

Keren Rice, Sophie Ray & Fay Lamont

The Table of Auction Prizes

Lynnette Kearney & Rachael Thornett with Sophie Ray

The Ladies from BooBook on Owen - Noela & Jill.

Enjoying the luncheon

Vinny Cannon, Elizabeth Gillen, Fay Lamont & Ria Emery

Marriott Oliver - Carolyn & Michala

Marriot Oliver - Kylie Falconer.

Save the Date.......our next Women in Business Luncheon is coming up.

St. George Bank
Women in Business Luncheon

Guest Speaker
 Di L’Estrange
Partner – Kennedy Cooke Lawyers

From Mollymook to Gallipoli
Rowing into 100 Year History

Wednesday 27th May 2015

                                                                         St isidore
89 Croobyar Road, Milton

11.30am for a 12 noon start

Finish 2.00pm.

Dianne LEstrange Solicitor Sussex Inlet and Ulladulla